For my Friends, Family and especially JoJo

I tried to post this last week, but for some reason, it disappeared. So, here I go again!

I received a note from a dear Internet friend who wrote:

"Trudy, where ARE you? I check your blog but you're not updating. I know you come to Snippets to read the posts but you don't respond. Even the Fibre and Fibro board is dead. No one goes there any longer.
Are you having serious health problems? Or is there something more going on? And how is Owen doing?
Can you please drop me a note and let me know that you're okay?

Well, that really hit home. Thank you JoJo for caring so much. It really means a lot to me, and I promise to do better. I am kicking myself for my shameful neglect of my Internet friends, who despite this have continued to email, message, or left a comment on a regular basis these past several (OK, six) months. I will admit now that I have been struggling both physically and mentally since late summer. My MS has really not settled down at all, and without boring you all to death with a list of symptoms, lets just say that this disease has been progressing far to speedily for my liking. Mentally, it has certainly been a struggle to battle through this, although I don't think that I have been suffering from depression.

Anyhow, I don't feel much better, but I have come to the realization that my little circle of friends that I have amassed over the past few years are very important to me, and I shouldn't neglect them, assuming that they are going to wait forever for me. Friendships have to be fed to grow, and I have definitely have missed nurturing them. I am so thankful that while I can't physically visit or talk on the phone (I seem to not have a voice for about 5 or 6 months of the year now) to you, I can follow your blogs, email, facebook and comment when possible. I am so very lucky and blessed to have you in my life.

So big hugs to you all, and thank you once again, for sticking with me:)
Wooly hugs, Trudy


  1. so very glad to hear from you. I always feel like I have sat down with a very dear old friend when I visit your blog or hear from you on wool snippets.

    A big hug back at you for taking the time to let us know your okay.


  2. Trudy!!! I'm so very HAPPY to hear that you're okay. Well, maybe not so okay due to the MS but you're alive and kicking. There are days when that's all we can ask for.

    I never, ever intended to make you feel guilty. You already have so much on your plate to deal with, between kids, husband, grandson, getting up in the morning, etc. I was just worried and wanted to hear that you're still out there in cyberland.

    THANK YOU for blogging and just know that I care about you. Life isn't easy and often isn't fair but we muddle through. Big hugs and a huge smack (that's a kiss, not a hit) to you.


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