My birthday weekend.

Yep, I went and had a birthday over the weekend...sneaky aren't I? I turned 49, so it was pretty low key. We had my ex-hubby's second set of kiddies with us for the weekend, and son Jake, dil Kerri, and grandson Owen were with us quite a bit as well. Adam was home from hockey, as there were no games Saturday or Sunday, and my Jeff and the three dogs rounded out the numbers!! Thank you everyone for the phone calls, emails, and facebook messages! I even got to talk to Branilslav in Czech Republic, (Oh how I miss that boy) and Adam's parents, Mirko and Lenka also in Czech Republic.

Hubs had offered to take me out to dinner, but I decided to cook and have the kids here instead. It was much more relaxing, and gave us lots of cuddle time with little Owen. Maddy and Riley (the kids half brother and sister) were so much fun to have, and they got a chance to visit with their nephew while here as well! Of course Jess and I took a ton of pictures, and I thought that I would share them with you all.

I am off for a barium swallow today, so I am not too thrilled! Jess has had one, and she said that the chalk drink was pretty hard to keep down. I am a gagger, especially in the morning, so this should be interesting!

I'll try and post again tonight, cause I need to take a picture of the stitchery that Jess made me for my birthday.


  1. Owen is so darling and you look like you're in heaven when you're holding him. Even though you opted to cook for your birthday, it sounds like you were surrounded by all of your loved ones and these are the times that are so special.

    I hope you're feeling better, Trudy. You look really good in these pictures! And good luck with your barium swallow this morning. I have the gags in the morning also so I don't envy you trying to get this stuff down .... and keep it down.

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday! There's nothing like being surrounded by our loved ones! Happy belated birthday!

  3. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday! House full of Love!

    Hope you have a great week!

  4. Happy Birthday, Dear Trudy!!
    You had a houseful ~ and former hubby's kids!! You're a trooper!!
    Hope all goes well for you today!

  5. HaPpY BiRtHdAy! Trudy! And congratulations are needed...aren't you the lucky granny too! Look at sweet little Ownen...aaahhh...I smell the baby smell from here. Grandbabies are the best. You look so happy! Stay at home birthday with all the family, very nice indeed. More special.

  6. Happy belated birthday. Barium swallows .... horrible stuff. Hope it goes okay. I'm a gagger too.

  7. happy birthday Trudy...Wonderful pictures of you and your family...nice to have everyone together..sorry about the drink you have to do today...I hope you were able to keep it down...we are keeping a close eye on our kitty...he is trying to hang in there..but I worry that he is when hubby comes home..we need to figure out what to do...thank you for the kind words...:)

  8. Happy belated birthday, Trudy. I've been finishing my Mary rug and hookin'~not lookin'!!!
    Looks like you had a wonderful time. What a special family you have. So sweet. Ha-Ha, I won't be 49 until November!!!
    xoxo birthday hugs,

  9. Belated Happy Birthday from another March baby!!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday to you, Trudy! I haven't visited for awhile, but am sure glad I finally made it back here! I love the family closeness you share...and that baby...ohhhhhhh, too adorable!
    Take care.


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