More Penny Rugs and Baking

It seems that this winter will never end, 25cm yesterday and another 20 on Friday/Saturday. It depresses me; and when I'm depressed, I bake:)
Here is a still hot pineapple upside down cake that I just finished.

Hockey season is winding down, the boys are into their last few games before playoffs start, and although they have made it into the first round of playoffs, they would like a better position, so they really must win the next few games. This week, with the snow the practices have been all moved around, and consequently so has our schedule at home. I HATE having my schedule messed up, and so does Branislav. His GF was up for a visit from Michigan; we had a party for the older players Saturday night, and everything that could go wrong, did in the past few days. Sheesh, I just want everything to settle down a bit, is that asking for too much? Yeah, I think that it probably is, and perhaps its time that I learned to go with the flow a bit more and be less ridged. I think that I am just getting fed up with the whole winter thing.

I finished a little shamrock penny rug for my DH Aunt Carol, her 65th BD is tomorrow, and although I didn't make it to suit my taste, it turned out pretty well. I am going to get off of my butt and make a feather tree to go with it. One of the members from this amazing rug hooking group that I belong to called Wool Snippets was kind enough to post instructions for us all. I sense a late night tonight, since we have hockey to go to tonight, and its her BD tomorrow...well you can figure it out.

I'll post some pics of the feather tree when I get it finished. Meantime, I posted family pics on my Webshots site; there is a link on the left hand side of my blog here if anyone is interested.

Off to dig up those instructions for the tree now.
