Links for Everyone, PIF and Birthdays a Friday Mishmash!

Just a reminder to all of the Wool and Rags people that are involved in the ornie swap, that you can mail out your ornies any time now. I must do that myself tomorrow!

I got selected by Christina at Rustic Tarts for a PAY IT FORWARD exchange.

This is such a wonderful idea and one that we should use every day that we can - not just in blogland but to those around in our own communities....but in this instance it is in the blogland community.

It is based on the concept of the movie "Pay It Forward", where acts of kindness are done without expecting anything in return, just passing it on, hoping that the recipients will do the same and pay it forward, like a never ending chain of kindness...

So do you want to play with me? The first 3 visitors to visit my blog and leave a comment saying they would like to be involved will receive a handmade gift from me within 365 days of joining . You need to follow up with an email to me to confirm your spot!

These 3 visitors must have their own blog, place the PIF logo on your blog and link it back to me.Then you must be prepared to offer the same, to the first 3 visitors to visit your blog. And follow the above steps as I have done. There is plenty of time - we have a year! and you won't know when you will receive it so it will be a big surprise. I am happy to post internationally so don't let that stop you from joining in .....AND just so the non-bloggers don't feel left out, if you don't have a blog, I will offer one handmade gift to a non-blogger - but you have to promise to make something for someone else at some stage.

I also want to wish my brother Tony a Happy Birthday today!! I won't even say how old he is:)

I thought that I would just do a whole post on Christmas links for adults and kiddies. It makes it easier for you when searching on my blog. Of course, while hunting for links, I found lots that aren't directly related to Christmas, and they are here as well. I can't help but share my findings:)

This is one great link for making bow's for Christmas gifts or decorating: Making a Basic Faux Bow, how to make a Tailored Bow, how to make Glued and Wired Loops, making Ribbon Roses, how to make a Perfect Floral Bow, and finally, how to make a Layered Bow.

The Antique Pattern library has a ton of free patterns for your uses. Crochet, knitting, tatting, netting, embroidery, needle lace, beading and other needlework patterns, that of course you can adapt to rug hooking, and penny rugs as well.

1886 Catalog of Embroidery Stamping Patterns has a large number of patterns in the public domain for stamping, needlework, or is adaptable for many craft ideas including altered art and scrapbooking.

Joanne has posted on her blog an excellant tutorial on how to make feather trees. I am going to put this in my sidebar under tutorial's so I can find it again:)

Here is a link for Bloggie Giveaways. One stop contest entering:)

The Vintage Moth is a great site that has free victorian clipart for your use. You can just right click and save each picture that you like to your computer. Some of the pics lend themselves to patterns for stitcheries as well.

Want to make a no-sew stocking with the kids? This is a great tutorial.

How about a no sew wreath? Its easy for anyone to do, and you can make it in a couple of hours.

There is a website called Organized Christmas, that has so many great things on it for adults and kids. How to have a more frugal Christmas, free printables, calenders, countdowns, recipes, list makers, its a pretty big site, and you must visit.

Oh Crap, I have a ton more links for you, but its 11:00am already. I'll post this now, and start another Link post.

Happy Black Friday to all you americans, and Happy Friday to everyone else.


  1. Me! Me! Me! I want to play!

  2. Okay, now I read the rest of your post! What a great bunch of links! Thanks for posting them all!

  3. Hey Trudy

    I always love your Friday blogs...oodles of links to follow! I love this PIF game...way to go, girlfriend!

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Good morning Trudy! I'm glad that you are doing a "pay it forward" game and would love to play. I love to surprise people and this would be fun. But I might be #4 on your list!?!

  5. I'll play if there's room for one more?


  6. Trudy,
    I have an award for you at The Olde Hollow Crow blog.

  7. Thanks a bunch for sharing all of those wonderful stitchery sites! I can't wait to snuggle up on the couch tonight and browse through them all!


  8. Nice fall wreath! You're right, it IS easy! Here's where you can find my tutorial for making it...

    It can be done using any kind of fabric for any occasion, and also any shape that you can buy a straw wreath. Very versatile and fun and EASY!



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